Channel: Bee
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: beeflipnote by mintysudomemomintymintywolfflipnoteflipnote by beeanimationflipnote by mintywolf
Description: **Some aberration/flashing, but it's very mild** I would have animated more, but I was too anxious about the space limit and running out in the middle of something lol, so it's more of a pmv! I wasn't planning on posting this one but I thought I should try to be more active here, even if it's not more thorough animation //EDIT: I can't believe I had an extra "S" in the title this whole time and nobody told me ----------- Backstory: Addison, the one with a square head, is a ghost. He became a ghost after a traumatic death, voluntary manslaughter after a fight with his girlfriend turned physical when he found her cheating. The other boy in the video doesn't have a name yet, but he's a human Addison ends up befriending. Ghosts can "reveal" themselves, in a way, to certain people, but they aren't visible to everyone. As a ghost, Addison's fear and anger towards his girlfriend was exemplified and extended to all women. This shaped his diet--to survive and keep insanity and pain at bay, he must eat humans; women, specifically. Men just...don't work. For obvious reasons, he doesn't mention this to his human friend. Unfortunately, he stumbles upon him devouring a human one day, despite Addison's best efforts to hide it. Although he pleads with him, trying to explain that he wouldn't do it if he didn't have to, his friend can't take it and leaves. Addison takes this hard because, well...being a ghost is lonely. tl;dr: when your ghost diet is strictly human women and your best human friend walks in on you eating it was difficult to represent eating people without any gore or horror elements haha, i hope i got it across well enough ----------- Pages: 318 Speed: 6 My Sudomemo: Song: Joji - World$tar Money