Channel: Хит ТВ
Category: Entertainment
Tags: electromagnetic trainsmallhow to buildモーターmagnetic fieldidea導線電磁石magnetic trainneodymium magnethow to makebatteryネオジムпростейший электромагнитный поездdiy電池ネオジウム簡単copperpowerリニア磁石electromagnet実験リニアモーターカーtoycoil自作homemade銅線электромагнитный поездscience experimentsneodymiumsolenoid乾電池force電車неодимовый магнитmagnetic propulsionsuper strong magnets
Description: This video will tell you how to make the simplest electric train. All you need is copper wire, AA dry battery, a pair of neodymium magnets, and you have your very own children's railroad with electric train and tunnel. The movement of the battery occurs due to the interaction of the magnets at its ends with the spiral. Battery magnets create a large magnet, one pole of which will repel from the spiral along which the current flows, and the other will attract, and movement occurs. The direction of movement depends on the direction of the neodymium magnets attached to the battery. Thanks for watching and supporting.