Channel: Austin Campbell
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: precision turbo 7675steve meade escaladedirt bike pranksupercharged escaladeexhausttwin turbo escaladecustom headersk&n intakelsxcaladestapleton42escalade rollcageworlds fastest escalademeade 9163 gen excaladestreet outlaws escalade2013 escaladecustom escalademagnaflow exhaustescalade straight pipesteve meade turboloud escaladefastest escalademeade916
Description: This video is an update to the 2000hp LSXcalade build. We check out the brand new roll cage and discus new turbos and new transmission. For periodic updates stay tuned to the channel for frequent updates check out Mitchell's social medias and his channel. My Instagram: @austinc105 Mitchell's Instagram @stapleton42_ .............LSXcalade facebook................. ..................................Mitchells channel............................................ lsxcalade twin turbo escalade worlds fastest escalade precision turbo supercharged escalade mitchell stapleton stapleton42 worlds fastest escalade escalade roll cage escalade 1/4 racing escalade escalade vs gtr custom headers meade916 magnaflow exhaust