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World Modern Technology Cow and Bull Breeding Mating Shoeing Cleaning Milking Mega Machine

Duration: 04:49Views: 1.2MLikes: 1.5KDate Created: Apr, 2019

Channel: Epic Compilation

Category: Science & Technology

Tags: kronecowmatingharvesteramazinggamberfendtsmythчисткаsoyezgrimmecaseкороваshoeingequipmentepicjohn deerehoofheavyspecialiststeyrdewolfstaalkatkawasakiyanmarмашинаbullbreedingmilkingmegawarriorмастерjcblemkensmartagricultureworldmodernfarmingtractorcatjeantilcnccleaningautomatictechnologyprocedureинструментintelligentfactory on wheelsclaaswashingmerlopicuslelymachinecomputer numerical controlnew hollandmachinesatomdolbivolvo

Description: World Modern Technology Automatic Cow Milking Shoeing and Cleaning Bull Breeding Mating Mega Machine Factory on Wheels Cow is tied up neatly and placed on a special machine. Specialist secures the hoof, and washes them. Then a professional cleans the hoof using grinders and other tools. After the procedure, the cow is lowered to the ground and untied. This video is educational, scientific, and documentary only. No animals were hurt in this video. COOPERATION 1. Send us your video to epicsmashdisaster@gmail.com 2. Watch it on our compilation 3. Get links and views to your channel! 세계 현대 기술 - 자동 세척 및 연마 소 발굽. Корову аккуратно перевязывают и укладывают на специальную машину. Мастер закрепляет копыта и моет их. Затем профессионал чистит копыта с помощью болгарки и других инструментов. После процедуры корову опускают на землю и развязывают.

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