Channel: MVTeeVee
Category: Entertainment
Tags: romancecdrama东宫historicalfmvgoodbye my princess魏千翔chinesedramamelodramaactionxiaofengmvteeveealluringmvsgu xiaowueastern palaceshawn weimusic video彭小苒actresscomedyasiaasianchen xingxumvfanmadetelevision seriesactorwuxiachina陈星旭dong gongpeng xiaoran
Description: Before watching this drama, really ask yourself if a drama with a title like "Goodbye My Princess" is going to give you the type of ending you want. This is definitely not a drama with a healthy and thriving relationship. The start of this drama was a little iffy for me. The main characters were an idle princess and a weak prince. It didn't start out too well but they later developed their roles and the plot really picked up at around episode ten. Tumblr: Instagram: Linked account: Drama: Song: Without Me (Cover) by Emma Heesters