Channel: Philip Hartshorn
Category: Entertainment
Tags: martial club ip manip man 4 reviewwing chun techniquesmartial artsmartial clubfight scenefist of furynew bruce lee moviephilip hartshornmartial club fist of furythe phil upmartial club fight scenereactionwing chun fightfist of fury 2020wing chun real fightip man 4filmmakermartial club shaolinfilmmaker reactsbruce leeip man 2020kung fumartial club donnie yenip man 4 fight scenesdonnie yenwing chun
Description: I'm a Martial Artist and Filmmaker, this is my Reaction to Fist of Fury 2020 by Martial Club! Go watch it on their channel to show support, their name is clickable in the title! Subscribe for more and follow my twitch to discuss live, What did you think of this epic martial arts short film? See the original film here: #martialclub #brucelee #wingchun