Channel: StichMethod Guitar
Category: Education
Tags: neverlostpracticetreystichtubeimovie1-4-5stichchopsprofessionalmusiclostguidestitchmethodfretboardclaptonmethodkingjimiproeasynevercoreanastasiojohnbasicjimi hendrixbbtonetabstechniquefundamentalscaledeadlearningfretlicksweeklyblueshendrixpentatonic scaleteachergreatfulrootmasteringstichmethodsheetfreesoloingstitchlearnteachtrickszeppelinsoloeric claptonleadguitarhomehelppdfpentatonicchordchartmayer
Description: Here are the rules: 1. Pick A StichMethod Video That Gave You The "Ah-ha" Moment. 2. Make a video (3 minutes max) About How The Video Changes Your Playing. Mention How Long You Have Been Playing and Demonstrate What You Learned. ( Again, this is not skill based ) 3. Upload the video to YouTube, get the link and share it as a comment below in this video's comment section. If you have problems getting the link into the comments. Email me the link ( and I will post it for you. 4. Winner Will Be Announced At The End of April 2021 Here is the video where I am talking about this guitar: ⚡ Check out my absolutely FREE 2 HOUR GUITAR MASTERCLASS right here on Youtube! ⚡ 🎸 🎸 I totally understand the frustration of not understanding how the greatest guitarists navigate and create such colorful guitar lines. Here is a FREE Masterclass to help you not only understand, but also create with the same tools. From Bass lines to Guitar Solos, Arpeggios are the Spice Of Music. Watch the entire Blues Primer Playlist: Then get ripping with my Blues Master Classes! 👉 LOWEST available price right here! Check out my masterclass featuring Sean Daniel! How To Jam on Guitar With Confidence: Gear I recommend and or use on my channel! Stichmethod Merch: Donate: Your Donations are what make this channel happen. So Thank You! Feel free to contribute any amount you like. As always I will reach out and thank you! Be Part of the StichMethod Jammers Group on FB: Follow @stichmethod on Instagram: Wanna take lessons with Stich? Visit