Channel: Kings Fine Woodworking
Category: Education
Tags: half laphow to make gateslarge gatescedar gatehow to build a gatecarpenterhowgateswoodworkingdiywoodmakehow to properly brace a gate or fence.makingdouble swinghomemade gatesstrap hingescarpentrybuild a fencedriveway gateswoodworking projecthandmade gatesno sag gatesheavy gatehow to build large gatesdrivewaymaking gatesprevent sagginghow to build gatestogatejoineryhow to build a gate that stays straightsagging gate
Description: 119 – Driveway Gate This video is about how we built our new driveway gate. There were a few things we wanted our gate to have. The gate is about 8’ wide. We wanted it to be a single and not a double gate. We wanted it to open both inwards and outwards. We wanted to make sure it would never sag, and we did not want to add a wheel for support. The posts are cedar, 8”x8”x10’ long. They go 3’ into the ground. They were installed when our concrete patio was poured. The rails are 2”x8” cedar and the pickets are 1”x6” cedar. This is a very heavy gate, so we had to use three massive strap hinges. We are offering free plans that you can modify for your own build. Things I used in this build: Jigsaw Random orbit Sander I also frequently use my Ridgid Belt Sander Router Flush trim router bit Drill & Impact Driver Drill Bit set 3” deck screws 2-1/2” deck screws 1-5/8” deck screws And here are the some other things I use in my shop: How to build the Thor’s Hammer Woodworking Mallet: Or buy your very own Thor’s Hammer made by us: Link to the KFW Community Woodworking group. Share pictures of your work & get help if needed. Join our King’s Fine Woodworking Community Page. Woodworkers helping other woodworkers. Share advice, get project ideas. Free tips. Insider information. Get the best deals on lumber & tools. If you would like to help support our channel, there are a number of ways. One way is direct support through Patreon: You can also help without spending anything, just by liking and sharing our videos. Thank you for your support. We love teaching the world to do woodworking.