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Why was The Holy Roman Empire so Dysfunctional?

Duration: 10:05Views: 194.7KLikes: 7KDate Created: Feb, 2022

Channel: Knowledgia

Category: Education

Tags: why was the hre so dysfunctionalwhy was the holy roman empire so fragmented?holy empirewhy was the holy roman empire so dividedholy roman empirewhy was the holy roman empire so badcharlemagnehrewhy did the holy roman empire fail to centralize

Description: Why was the Holy Roman Empire so Dysfunctional? The Holy Roman Empire - neither holy, nor Roman, nor empire - we’ve all heard the jokes. Truly though, it seems that the Holy Roman Empire existed as no more than a weak attempt to revive the glory of what once was. It’s said, furthermore, that where there is smoke there must be fire, and in this case, that rings true. All of the jokes and memes about the Holy Roman Empire being a bit of a mess didn’t come from nothing. The HRE really was pretty inadequate - relatively, at least. So then, how did the successor of the magnificent Roman Empire turn out so dysfunctional?... ♦Consider to Support the Channel of Patreon and gain cool stuff: patreon.com/Knowledgia ♦Please consider to SUBSCRIBE : goo.gl/YJNqek ♦Music by Epidemic Sound ♦Sources : The Holy Roman Empire by Friedrich Heer THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, RECONSIDERED Edited by Jason Philip Coy, Benjamin Marschke, and David Warren Sabean Barraclough, G. (2020, October 29). Holy Roman Empire. Encyclopedia Britannica. britannica.com/place/Holy-Roman-Empire #History #HolyRomanEmpire

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