Channel: The Imaginary Axis
Category: Education
Tags: thorinfinity warnorseragnarokhelasurturgodswhy ragnarok doesnt matterodinmjolnirmythologylokimarvelavengersasgardthor 3thor ragnarokthanoshulk
Description: Subscribe for more: Follow us on Facebook: Or Twitter: Have a question? Ask in the comments, or e-mail us at "Maybe some stories are so good... so powerful... so wanted... that the universe believes them. So good they're magic. So good they come alive." -Loki Ragnarok is perhaps one of the most powerful and cataclysmic events in all of recorded myth or history! A battle spanning all nine realms of the cosmos, destined to take the universe down with it! Gods are born. Gods die. Loki, Thor, Asgard, and even the All-Father himself face immeasurable peril as everything comes to an end in one final battle! .........Let's talk about why it's not such a big deal. Why You Should Fear The Ghost Rider How Powerful Are The infinity Stones? EVERY Thor vs Hulk Fight EVER! The Seven Dark Gods of the DC Universe Is Batman Insane? The Mighty Thor and all related characters, settings, and media are property of Marvel World Wide Inc. No copyright infringement intended.