Channel: Sarah Funk
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: new york road tripswhat to do in nywestchesternyc vlognyc vloggernyc vs. new york statealbanyliving in nycbrooklynsarah funkfacts on ny stateupstate new yorkstaten islandny state explainednew york city vlogwhat to do outside of nycsaratoga springsbuffalothe adirondacksmanhattandifferences between nyc and ny statenew yorkhow is nyc different then ny statenew york stateniagara fallsbronxnew york citylong islandcatskillsqueens
Description: I've lived in NYC for 14 years and Upstate New York for 18 years. Today I'm sharing the extreme differences between city and state. Does any of this surprise you? MENTIONED IN VIDEO: Saratoga Racetrack: Saratoga video guide: Differences between the 5 boroughs: My filming equipment list: