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Why Lord Shiva Worshipped In The Form Of Lingam?

Duration: 07:01Views: 2MLikes: 86.1KDate Created: Feb, 2020

Channel: Indian Monk

Category: Education

Tags: mahashivratricreation of the universelingamshivlingamlord shivanucleusbig bang theorywhy lord shiva worshiped as lingawhy to worship lord shivalord brahmahinduismmahashivratri 2020shivlingneutronelectronlord vishnuwho is lord shivaatomprotonenergy

Description: In Hinduism, Shivling is a symbol that represents Lord Shiva. As the most powerful deity, temples are built in his honor, including a Shiva Ling, which represents all the energies in the world and beyond. There is no origin or form that can be associated with Shiva. Humans need a symbol to worship, so the ling was created "Ling means symbol". For example, if someone used a stethoscope, it could identify that person as a doctor. A ling is just a symbol to identify something. This symbol we call Shivling has a scientific explanation. The truth behind the scientific discovery performed by scientist Neils Bohr indicates that the molecules are made up of atoms that consist of protons, neutrons and, electrons, which play a vital role in the composition of Shiv Ling. in ancient time, instead of using those English words such as Proton, Neutron, Electron, and Energy, ancient sages used words such as Lingam, Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma, Shakti, lord shiva, etc., since Sanskrit was the primary language in those periods.

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