Channel: Justin Escalona
Category: Entertainment
Tags: collegedaily docs season 4mental healthjustin escalona daily docsjustin escalona1340palatineexplainedjustin escalona khaliddramajustinexposedtell allcollege lifemillionaresit downchicagocinematic sequenceplaythegamefilmsdaily docswhy im moving onwest hollywoodplay the game filmsburn out1340 studiosshort filmhouse tourlajustin escalona season 4justinescalonaseason 4season 3escalona
Description: It's been awhile since I've uploaded but there's a reason why. I had to get my mental head space right and I'm happy to be back!! This is a homage to my old style of videos... I hope you like it! -Justin WHY I'M MOVING ON - A 1340 STUDIOS Production CAST Justin Escalona CREW Director: Justin Escalona Executive Producers: Justin Escalona & Garrett Barghash Music: Oliver Feighan, Robbie Winn, Arizona Zervas & Lil Cobaine SPECIAL THANKS TO Adam Klieman Michael Goedken Caroline Eyer Jake Spiwak Gianni Taylor Shot on location around the globe. ALL OF THE MUSIC USED IN MY VIDEOS!! FOLLOW THE SQUAD!!! SPIWAK: CAROLINE: Instagram - Twitter - Business Related Inquiries: