Channel: Purposeless Rabbitholes
Category: Gaming
Tags: miaall choicescritiquereview of dying light 2weapon modsdying light 2 analysislawanps4waltzps5reviewhakonzombieparkourdecisionsx13dying lightin depthxbox onefunnygggamingdying light 2 reviewaiden caldwellzombie gamesvolatiledl2analysisaidendying light 2xbox series xzombies dying light 2techlandxbox series sgameplay
Description: A full-on analysis / critique / review / sh*tpost of Dying Light 2: Stay Human. Strap in folks, it’s a long one. Patreon: Twitter: EXTRA NOTES : 1 - Wish I'd added, like, one more sentence at the end of the combat bit, to emphasize that some of the actual weapon mods themselves are fun. I like how there are different ways of activating different mods; some are passive and activate on crit, some are switched on manually, etc. 2 - Also, for clarity, I have no idea when or why I wrote down that single sentence about clown booty, I just came across it randomly there at the end of the note and reacted to it live off-script lmao ***THIS IS A REUPLOAD! I didn't like the sound mix of the original upload, so I took it down and redid it. Genuinely hurt to invalidate the wonderful and gracious comments that built up in the first few days until it got unlisted, but I worked on this thing for too long to have the version that's out there forever be less than perfect. Or as close to perfect as I felt I could make it, at least! So, the original upload was April 16th, and since then this new version has rebalanced BG music and sound, some more on-screen text bits, and added SFX. We are now out of the early access portion of today's video essay, lol. This is my DONDA at this point. I know virtually none of those minuscule details matter to y'all, and of course I've likely bombed any chance this thing ever had at getting in the algorithm, but eh, I'm more concerned with being happy with my content, and I'm finally happy with this upload of the video. YT isn't my job, it's a hobby, and I wanna be happy with my hobbies! Thanks for bearing with me here. - Most recent version of the vid (uploaded April 25): - Original version (uploaded April 16, was only up for a day or two): Many thanks to the YouTubers whose footage I utilized alongside my own to cobble this bloated monstrosity together: Gabsen, BackBoardFilms, Noviex, muaxh03, VeirCast, WildGamerSK, Game_track, MK, shawn Horning, BabiezTV, FRANCE 24 English, tmort2. Ending song: 64 Sundays by Twin Musicom Thumbnail by hotcyder! Segments: 0:00 intro 1:45 Parkour 11:32 Combat 20:38 Story + Decisions (Spoilers) 36:55 Progression 43:37 Open World 1:02:47 Zombies 1:08:41 HUD 1:10:52 In Conclusion