Channel: Ethanisupreme
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: collegecollege advicejake pauljeffreestaronline schoolgedjamesfenty beautycharlesethan dolangrayson dolan7 ringshighschool hacksdolan twinsmakeup tutorialcardi bcollege tipstea spilltana mongeauariana grandeemma chamberlainehighschool tipsbillie eilishjames charlesjackie ainiaethanisupremedropoutthomas halbertcoming outlogan paulhighschoollgbt
Description: Hey guys! so this is a little clickbaity hahah! so I just wanted to explain my school situation cause so many of y'all ask me cause I'm never posting in school! (oh btw I am still enrolled in high school ;)) SNAP/ trashqueenethan (I reply)