Channel: ViloniousTV
Category: Comedy
Tags: rapper tattoos reactionvilonioustvtattoo artists react to rappers tattoosviloniousworst tattoos evertattoo nightmarestattoo artistbad tattoo reactionsbad tattoosrapper tattoos on facecelebrity tattoosrapper tattoo tourrapper tattoo meaningsinked magazinetop 5 bruh momentsgq magazineface tattoostattoobad tattoo showgqtattootourtattoosface tattoorapper tattoostattoo tourface tatsworst tattoos
Description: The question of "Why do rappers keep getting bad tattoos, even though they're rich?" has been bugging me for years, so I decided to actually do a little research and attempt to figure out the reason. Spoilers: I didn't come up with a solid answer but I have a couple good theories. Thanks for watching! Want a custom shoutout?: Follow me on Twitter or else!: Instagram too: Links to the gear I use! CAMERA: LENS: MICROPHONE: #BadTattoos #ViloniousTV