Channel: Auntie Jillian
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: 30yearscutedogspoodleswhoiskarentoypoodlewho'skarenswimmingauntiejillianadoreabledogsdogsfamilytimemilestonesanniversariesfunnyvlogsfamilyvlogs
Description: GOOD DAY MY LOVELIES!!! Uncle Jackie is the MVP in this vlog. Check him and Milan on Tik tok doing a dance....go go go!!! He also wants to know "Who's Karen?" How cute is the little dog that Lyric and Life brought over to the house. He is a "toy poodle" and if I left it up to Uncle Warren, he would buy that dog for Milan in a second. I hope you enjoy this fun family vlog. International Lovelies: Check out our TV Episodes at (Register and watch) (Business Inquiries Email: Subscribe: Instagram: Twitter: @auntiejillian Facebook: Snapchat: AuntieJillian Email your questions to: INTRO MUSIC PRODUCED BY: K CUT & CURTIS RICHARDSON INTRO VOCALS BY: @CHARLIEVOXOFFICIAL SONG INTENTIONS: VOCALS @CHARLIEVOXOFFICIAL Category People & Blogs License Standard YouTube License