Channel: Epimetheus
Category: Education
Tags: minoan documentaryminoans and mycenaeansminoan artancient historyminosancient egyptbronze ageminoan collapsehistory documentarybronze age collapseminoan eruptionphilistinesmycenaeandocumentaryminoansminoan languageatlantisminoan civilizationegyptegypt minoansminoan civilization documentarywho were the minoans?historycreteminoan fashionminoan historyknossosthera eruptiontheraminoan history explainedlinear aminoan culture
Description: History of the Mysterious Minoans Explained (Who were the Minoans?) The First Great European Civilization based on the island of Crete. Link to video I made on the Philistines Link to my video on the Mycenaeans Video on what was life like after the bronze age collapse This video is sponsored by my patrons over on Patreon