Channel: Real Crusades History
Category: Education
Tags: knights templartrial of the templarsbaldwin iv of jerusalemhistory of the knights templarcrusades documentarytemplar grand mastergerard de ridefortcrusades historytemplar battlejacques de molaytemplar documentarybattle of montgisardknights templar documentaryhugh de payenscrusadestemplar crusadestemplar historyphilip iv of francetemplartemplarsreal crusades historysaladinlast grand masterhistory of the crusadescrusades templar
Description: Play Call of War for FREE on PC, iOS or Android: 💥 Receive an Amazing New Player Pack, only available for the next 30 days! Who were the Knights Templar? This lecture series will delve into the history of these warrior monks, an order of knights who gave up everything to defend pilgrims and sacred places. Clad in their iconic white mantles marked with a scarlet cross, these brother knights were the hope of pilgrims traveling the dangerous roads of the Holy Land. All through the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the Templars thundered across the battlefields of the crusades, often defeating their enemies even when they were greatly outnumbered. Today, we’ll investigate the background of the Knights Templar, and come to understand their place in the history of the Middle Ages. Get my book about the Crusades: Support my work on Patreon: Get the Templar mug from the thumbnail: Sources: -Baha ad-Din ibn-Shaddad - The Rare and Excellent History of Saladin, trans. D.S. Richards, (Ashgate, 2002) -Barber, Malcolm - The New Knighthood, (Cambridge, 1994) -Frale, Barbara - The Templars - The Secret History Revealed, (Arcade, 2009) -Nicholson, Helen - The Knights Templar, (Sutton, 2001) -The Templar of Tyre: Part III of the Deeds of the Cypriots, trans. Paul F. Crawford, (Ashgate, 2017) -William of Tyre - A History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea, Vol. II, trans. Emily Babcock and A.C. Krey, (Columbia University Press, 1943) #KnightsTemplar #TemplarHistory #MilitaryOrders