Channel: Kenneth Senegal
Category: Entertainment
Tags: makeuptraumaescapismstorytimebeautyheflawlessstorytimeskennethsenegalflawless2020boybeyoncegrwmwhat's upreparentingfunnylgbtget ready with me
Description: The Nature of YouTube, leaving YouTube, Where I've been... Clearing Out Trauma, #reparenting myself, #escapism, 2020 and the hot mess it's been. I talk about all these things in this grwm (get ready with me). Hope you pick up some gems and enjoy. Any questions? Ask Below. LOVE YOU! buisness contact? need advice? social media? Instagram: KennethSenegal Twitter: Kenneth Senegal SnapChat: KDSenegal Welcome KenDolls! Frequently Asked Questions: Age? 25 Camera? Canon 80D Editing Software? Final Cut Pro X #LeavingLA