Channel: Ross Campbell
Category: Music
Tags: ross campbell neural dspmateus asato neural dspmateus asato licksbulletproof guitar playermateus asato pentatonic shredmateus asato shredhow to play like mateus asatoneural dsp mateus asatomateus asato don't dream it's overmateus asato tone king imperial mkiimateus asato shreddingmateus asato lessonmateus asato soloneural dsp tone king imperial mkiiross campbell guitarmateus asato suhrmateus asato instagrammateus asatomateus asato tutorial
Description: TAB for this solo - 🎸 Recorded using the Tone King Imperial MKII plugin from Neural DSP 🎸 Try my tone instantly ⬇️ Step 1 - Download my presets ➡️ Step 2 - Download your free trial of the Tone King Imperial MKII plugin ➡️