Channel: What Lylah Does
Category: Entertainment
Tags: lylah ninja warrioranw11lnw2019ninja warrior kidstie-dye ninjawarriorkid ninja warrioramerican ninja warriordad builds obstacle course in backyarduniversal kidsamericananwsteve harveynnlnnl 2019drew drechselninjannl finals 2019anwjramerican ninja warrior juniorwolfpack ninjasjessie grafflittle big shots
Description: Lylah Tests out 8 different flavors of Kool-Aid to see if she knows her stuff. We added a ninth flavor combining all the flavors and Lylah hated it so much she spit it out!!!! Lylah is not much of a fan of most of these. music: Electronomia Summersong 2017 electro Light & Protosonix - Pixel Dreams