Channel: Dr Sam Robbins
Category: Education
Tags: dave asperyshould you take nootropicsmodafinilhow to improve memorybenefits of using nootropicslimitless moviewhat is a nootropicnootropicbulletproof coffeehflhealth tipswhy should you use nootropicsimprove cognitionbest nootropicsdr sam robbinssmart supplementsboost brain activitybrain healthbody brain energy
Description: My Favorite Nootropic (I’ve been using for 15+ years): 👉 5 Best Ways To Boost Your Energy levels: 👉 = What’s A Nootropic - The Real Truth (30 years of experience)! = In the past few years, the topic of nootropics has become super popular. In fact, it really got started with the movie Limitless, starring Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro. Dave Aspery, the founder of Bullet Proof Coffee also gave it a lot of attention with so-called “smart drugs” such as Modafinil, also known as Provigil. This drug was supposedly the drug portrayed in the Limitless movie. However, I’ve been experimenting with Nootropics before the internet even got started, around 1992. Hi, my name is Dr. Sam Robbins and I got super interested in nootropics because of I wanted and needed to improve my performance in school, sports and the gym. I wanted more energy for both my body and brain. Today I’m going to discuss exactly what a nootropic is and clear up all the misconceptions and misunderstandings about it. I’ll keep it simple and short. I’ll give you different types of nootropics, one that most people are using daily in fact. In future videos, I’ll get into additional details, answer top Questions and give you more clarity about this topic. What’s A Nootropic Many people call Nootropics a “smart drug”. This isn’t an accurate definition because most nootropics are NOT drugs and they don’t really increase your intelligence or make you a super smart genius like Bradley Cooper’s character in the movie, Limitless Simply stated, nootropics are a class of substances that can boost brain performance and enhance cognition and memory. They can also increase physical energy levels and muscular performance. And this combination of benefits is why I started using them back in 1992 In school, I just had a super hard time focusing. My mind was always wondering … I was thinking about women, hanging out with friends, going to the gym and so forth. If I was listening in class, I was thinking, “when am I ever going to use this?” So, not only did I have a hard time focusing - I’ve always had difficulty remembering and memorizing things. Sadly, that’s what school is - it’s about memorizing junk you’ll never use. It’s rarely about LEARNING. Needless to say, I needed all the help I could get and I started importing various nootropics from Europe, in 1992 to test them out. Remember, there was no internet back then. In future videos, I’ll reveal all the different “nootropic” substances I’ve used, what’s worked, pros and cons. I do have more details below in the description area as well, if you want to get started today. But today I’ll end by saying that there are various forms of Nootropics Prescription drug forms Chemical versions that require no prescriptions And supplements - which would be specific herbs, amino acids, oils, and organic compounds. Sadly, most don’t work, which future videos will discuss this as well, including the ones that really do work in clinical studies and in the real world. ============== Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends. Visit Dr.Sam Robbins's blog for more information on your health! =============== Thanks DrSamRobbins Disclaimer: As with all information, products and services, results are not guaranteed and may vary from one individual to another. The information in this video and/or at this channel is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge, educational and information from the research and experience of Dr. Sam Robbins, who encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Statements made, or solutions suggested in this video and/or at this channel, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.