Channel: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: whatsupstar gazingsummer trianglemercuryantaresstar chartjet propulsion laboratorynorth starspaceskywatchingvenusstar partyplanetswhat's updenebprecessionexplorationmoon phasesskywatching for beginnersjplnightpolarisstarsastronomynasamoonsky chartscienceobserve the moon nightobservingfamilywhats upvegafunstargazingstem
Description: What are some skywatching highlights in October 2021? See several groupings of the Moon, planets, and stars at sunrise and sunset. Then get to know two bright stars that are part of a special group: along with a handful of others, they take turns with Polaris as North Star over thousands of years. Plus, Oct. 16 is International Observe the Moon Night! Details: Additional information about topics covered in this episode of What's Up, along with still images from the video, and the video transcript, are available at Credit: NASA-JPL/Caltech