Channel: Jordan Peterson Fan Channel
Category: Education
Tags: maps of meaningadvicemental healthmeaning of lifejordan peterson clipspsychoanalysisfullfillment12 rules for lifeserotoninhumanitiesjordan petersonpsychologybest of jordan b. petersonpetersonjordan peterson advicelecturedr. jordan petersonhuman conditionprofessor petersonlife advicehierarchyjordan peterson lecturephilosophybest of jordan petersonpurpose of lifejordan peterson australiajordan b petersondepressionjordan b. peterson
Description: Psychology professor Jordan B. Peterson argues that people should follow a plan - even a stupid one - in order to live a full and engaged life. This clip is only a small composition from his "12 Rules for Life Tour" lecture in Brisbane, Australia, 2019. Be sure to watch it entirely here: You may also be interested to know that Dr. Peterson's book “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” is finally available. You can find it here: (US) (UK) (CA) Don't miss out on his best selling first book “Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief” which much of his lecture material is based on: (US) (UK) (CA) The above are Amazon affiliate links. If you use them, you would also support this channel in a small way. Thank you. Please visit for categorized clips and more Jordan B. Peterson related content!