Channel: The Supreme
Category: Entertainment
Tags: strangest creaturescaught on tapediscoveredbizarreunder bridgesmost mysteriousstrangestfound under bridgemysterious discoveryscariestfoundcreepy videoscreepy discoveriesmysteriousweird discoveriesstrange discoveriesmysterious discoveriesscarycreaturescountdownincrediblebridgescaught on camerastrangeweirdunexplainedunder bridgediscoveriesdiscoverycreepiestviralscary discoveriesweirdestbridgeundercreepymysterious thingscreature
Description: Ever hear the expression ‘We’ll cross that bridge when we get there?’ Sure you have! Bridges provide passage over obstacles such as valleys, rough terrain, or bodies of water by spanning those obstacles for us to safely pass over - going under, over, and through as we journey through our lives. But what we might not realize is they could be concealing a secret or two. Or three. Or four... Some real, some fake, and some just downright hard to fathom. 15 Strangest Discoveries People Found Under Bridges! For Copyright Issues, Please Feel Free to E-mail me: