Channel: Eloise Mitchell
Category: Entertainment
Tags: youtubemitchellsbachmikescomedyeleanpr nealebeta squadfootasylum big brothersharkyhowdramajmxjack matebest bitssisterjakefamousmy experiencelocked inreacting toeloisemitchellsv2bambino beckyweazexposingjaackmaatetofootasylumeliie
Description: ad Ana Luisa is currently running a Black Friday sale, get their limited offers here: Hey hey guys omg welcome back! What a MAD two weeks. If you are new here welcome to the family and remember to subscribe! You guys have no idea what content is about to hit you!!! Thank you so much for all the support while i was in the house i honestly had the best time ever and met some AMAZING people! STAY TUNED FOR THE COLLABS!! A huge thank you to Footasylum for the oppourunity and big love to all the other amazing house mates which i met during my stay in the LOCKED IN house! Locked In SERIES available to watch here: