Channel: Esper the Bard
Category: Gaming
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Description: A terrifying journey to the vile heart of the Abyss, seeking to find the most evil demon and demon lord. Patreon: Esper’s Emporium of Esoterica: Newsletter sign up: Discord: Instagram@esper_the_bard Facebook: -Music- “Storm Chasers” Silent Partner “Mast” Silent Partner “Crystals” Silent Partner “Unusual Habitat” Silent Partner “Passive Struggle” Silent Partner “No Culture” Silent Partner “Micro Fire” Silent Partner “Beat Down” Silent Partner “Taking a Beating” Ethan Meixsell “Driven to Madness” Ethan Meixsell “Dead Reckoning” Ethan Meixsell “North” Silent Partner “Eastern Skies” Silent Partner “Our Distance” Silent Partner -Chapters- 0:00 Demons, Evil, and Chaos 3:04 Minor Demons 4:07 Demonic Brutes 5:14 Abyssal Spawners 6:43 Terrifying Commanders 8:33 Mockeries of Life 11:03 Spiritual Annihilator 15:32 Demon Lords 15:55 Juiblex 16:29 Fraz-Urb’luu 17:46 Graz’zt 18:49 Zuggtmoy 19:26 Yeenoghu 20:14 Baphomet 21:19 Demogorgon 22:39 Orcus 24:30 Terror of Darkness, Hope of Light