Channel: CBT Nuggets
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Description: James Conrad explains what Active Directory is and how it helps IT admins manage permissions and control access to network resources. Active Directory is responsible for many things on a Windows network, including how you control resources and permissions for users. Ready to learn how to support your hybrid infrastructure in an Active Directory Domain Services environment? Start training today – your first week is free: Active Directory (or AD for short) is the primary resource for controlling IT resources and permissions for organizations using Windows domains. Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) is the core component of Active Directory. It’s a data store that’s easily searchable, working as a tree and leaf system so that permissions and information flow through groups and objects down to people. What does Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) do? - Stores data of users, computers, groups, and other objects (printers, shares, GPO) - Easily searchable (global catalog) - Offers integrated security - Logical and hierarchical organization - Uses a schema to define objects and attributes - Is efficiently replicated Most of the implementation process for Active Directory is planning. Maintenance and upkeep is the easy part. Ready to set up and maintain identity controls in network environments, including hybrid? Check out the full training here — the first week is on us! Watch this entire course: Not a CBT Nuggets subscriber? Start your free week: ----------------- Connect with CBT Nuggets for the latest in IT training: • Twitter - • Facebook - • Instagram - • LinkedIn - #activedirectory #azure #az800 #microsoft #cbtnuggets #it