Channel: UNLEARN the lies
Category: Education
Tags: lex meyerwhat is love in the biblebiblical definition of lovebible verses about love and marriagelove according to the bibleunlearnlove your neighborlove fulfills the lawwhat does the bible say about lovebible verses about love relationshipsbiblical lovelove is the fulfillment of the lawwhat the bible says about lovewhat is love according to the biblebible verses about lovewhat is loveunlearn the liesbiblical love vs worldly love
Description: The Bible says we are to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbor as ourselves. It also says to love our enemies, but what exactly does that mean? How do we love God? How do we love our neighbor? How do we love our enemies? Visit my website: Support UNLEARN: