Channel: Casual Navigation
Category: Entertainment
Tags: shippingslow steaming meaningcasual navigatorslow steaming shippingslow steamingship speedmaritime explainationsailingmerchant navymarinecasual navigationmarine animation
Description: Join our Exclusive Community over on Patreon: Slow steaming is a lot more than simply running slower to save money. In this video we explore how it came about and some of the advantages and disadvantages of slow steaming for a modern merchant vessel. ---------------------USE OUR VIDEOS---------------------- To get a copy of any of our videos to use for training or educational purposes, visit: ★ ✔ Offline use ✔ White-Label ✔ Ad-Free ✔ No Sponsors ✔ No Social Prompts ---------------JOIN OUR COMMUNITY---------------- We have launched a new community of maritime enthusiasts over on Patreon. ★ When you join, you will become part of an Exclusive Community, gain Early Access to our YouTube videos*, receive Exclusive Content* and have influence over Community Videos* *Everyone becomes a part of our community, but additional rewards will depend on the tier you select. ----------------------WITH THANKS----------------------- ★ DATA Oil Price / Stock Market Data: ★ Images used under license from Container Ship - MaxVasylenko / World Map - Ekler / Cargo Ship - Shaineast / Videos of dockyard and container ship by Tom Fisk from Pexels ★ Music & Sound Effects Music & Sounds Effects by Epidemic Sound ( -------------------------DISCLAIMER-------------------------- All content on this channel is provided for entertainment purposes only. Although every effort has been made to ensure the content is accurate and up to date, it remains the responsibility of the viewer to determine its accuracy and validity. The content should never be used to substitute professional advice or education.