Channel: Drift0r
Category: Gaming
Tags: elon twitterprivatebuysdrift0rteslatwitter private companybuychangeselon musk twittertwitter buyoutelon musk buys twitterplannedexplainedequitytwitter elon musktwitterwhy did elon buy twittermusk twittersocial mediafree speechverificationalgorithmtwitter bluebillionairedriftorelon muskfacebookspacexelongoogletechnologycryptoopiniondogecoinmuskmetaplansbuy outbuyingfreedom of speechfirst amendmentimprovements
Description: My Twitter: Twitter has accepted Elon Musk's buyout offer. In a matter of days, Elon Musk will make Twitter into a private company. Elon claims he wants to bring true free speech back to social media. He also wants to change verification, Twitter Blue, and allow for purchases to be made with crypto. This video is purely my opinion about what comes next. Twitch: Shorts channel: Discord: 5% off ASTRO: Code "drift0r" also saves 5% off (if the link doesn't do it automatically) Gamer Advantage Glasses: 10% off w/ code "drift0r" 5% off Netduma R2 Router w/ code "DRFT" CoD Creator code: "DRIFT0R" ^must be all CAPS, 0 is a zero Epic Games Support-a-Creator: "drift0r_thereal"