Channel: Luth Luther
Category: Education
Tags: human body decomposition | sciencedirecttypes of bacteriaadipocerethe study of human decompositionwhat happens to our bodies after we diethe stages of the human decomposition processscience educationwhat are the various stages of decomposition of a human body?stages of human decomposition is a natural processmicrobial community analysis of human decomposition on soil
Description: #WhatHappensWhenBodiesDecompose? #WhyShouldWeLearnAboutIt? Become my Patron: When someone dies, it may be the end of their journey through this world, but this is not the case with their body. Instead, it will begin the long process of shedding its components. The bacteria start to reproduce and feed on the body. The sulfur-containing compounds that the bacteria release also cause skin discoloration. Due to the gases, the body can double in size. Determining the body and the cause of death might be misinterpreted by the eyes of people who are not familiar to forensic work. Join this channel to get access to perks: