Channel: Epic History TV
Category: Education
Tags: epic history tvmilitary historynapoleonnapoleonic warssoulthistorypeninsularbadajozspanish war of independenceguerra de la independenciawellingtonsalamancapeninsular warguerrillasepic historypeninsula war1812
Description: In 1812 French forces in Spain were severely overstretched, as Napoleon withdrew the best troops for his invasion of Russia. Wellington saw an opportunity to strike. First he secured the strategic fortress-cities of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, both taken in bloody assaults, then advanced to Salamanca, where his Anglo-Portuguese army met Marshal Marmont's French army in one of the most decisive clashes of the Peninsular War. 👕 Buy EHTV t-shirts, hoodies, mugs and stickers here! 📚Great books about the Napoleonic Wars (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases): Salamanca 1812: Wellington Crushes Marmont by Ian Fletcher The Napoleonic Wars by Todd Fisher Peninsular War Atlas by Nick Lipscombe Napoleon the Great by Andrew Roberts: The Peninsular War by Charles Esdaile 👉Click or text epichistorytv to 500 500 to get one free audiobook, 2 free Audible originals and a 30 day free trial. #EpicHistoryTV #NapoleonicWars #Napoleon 🎶 All music from Filmstro: Get 20% off an annual license with this exclusive code: EPICHISTORYTV_ANN Support Epic History TV on Patreon from $1 per video, and get perks including ad-free early access, exclusive updates and access to the creator, and votes on future topics.