Channel: Austin Campbell
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: tig weldingdirt bike prankbest weldingwelding aluminumwelding schoolinterior wrapbest weldermig weldingwelding practicewelding skillslsxcaladeaustinc105welding stainlessstreetspeed717welding titaniumadam lzhow to weldadam lz weldinglearning to weld7-18-17my first time weldingoffroaddynasty
Description: I head over to the shop to try and learn how to weld with Mark and Jordan. It turns out its harder than I thought. I get an update on the Lsxcalade progress as well. Instagrams Austin........................@austinc105 Mitchell......................@stapleton42_ Jordan........................@jordancampbell28 Mark...........................@mark_decola tags: learning how to weld my first time welding LSXcalade austin a campbell austinc105 welding stainless off-roaddynasty mark decola jordan campbell mitchell stapleton race escalade welding practice best welding tig welding Adam LZ mig welding welding school welding skills interior wrap