Channel: L8Games
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftminecraft hardcore modeand this is what happenedminecraft hardcorewe spent 100 days in hardcore minecraft in a world of dragons100 days moddedwe survived 100 days as dragons in minecraft hardcorei survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened100 days in minecraft100 days hardcoreminecraft 100 daysminecraft 100 days modded100 daysmodded hardcore minecraft
Description: We Survived 100 Days as Dragons in Minecraft Hardcore Can we SMASH 100,000 LIKES for 100 Days in Minecraft? 👍 Today we begin our Challenge to spend 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft as Dragons! Will we Survive all 100 Days? Find out now! SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy our videos!! Thanks so much 😄 Music in this video was licensed through Epidemic Sound! Mod List: Abnormals_Core BetterAnimalsPlus BetterFoliage Catalogue Citadel Configured Cuirios-forge DragonSurvival DungeonCrawl Dungeons_Plus DungeonsArise DynamicTrees DynamicTreesPlus Dynmus Enviromental FarmingForBlockheads Geckolib-forge GoblinTraders JEI KotlinForForge MCW-Bridges MCW-Roofs MowziesMobs MysticalWorld OptiFine OverloadedArmorBar Patchouli Performant ProjectVibrantJourneys SpartanSheilds SpartanWeaponry SpawnerFix StrawGolem Structure_Gel ToadTerror Valhelsia_Core Valhelsia_Structures VillagersAndMonstersLegacy YungsApi YungsExtras-Forge