Channel: BasildoomHD
Category: Gaming
Tags: bunny hop tutorialenergy swordcounter-strikebhop tutorialcsgo bhoppingbhophalocsgo montagecsgo bunny hopbhop montagebasildoomhdbhop in csgobhop heroesbunny hopcsgo halocs:gobhoppingbasildoommaster chiefbhop csgobasildoom bhopcounter strikecs go pro bhophalo montageswag bhophalo csgocs go bhopcsgo bhopcsgofrag videonoble strikebhop for funcs go
Description: Counter Strike with Master Chief and his icon weapons from the Halo series games. Big thanks to Zool Smith for exporting the Halo Weapons and creating a cool skybox. If you want to play CSGO like it's Halo make sure to download the Noble Strike mod. You can get it here Noble Strike: Zool Smith: Zool's Discord: Zool's Twitter: I also want to give a massive thanks to AlbanyKnight who fixed all of the weapons to work in demos. He also done the Masterchief arms and world models. You can check him out below AlbanyKnight: Albany's Discord: Albany's Twitter: Music: Halo 2 Anniversary OST - Halo Theme Gungnir Mix (feat. Steve Vai) Composed by Paul Lipson, Lennie Moore, Tom Salta, Brian Trifon and Brian Lee White.