Channel: Lite Brite
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: lite brite race of kingswinching off roadking of the hammers 2022extreme off roadrock crawlinglite brite jeeprace of kingslite brite king of the hammerslite brite kohoff roadjohnson valleyoff road trailsjeepextreme 4x4koh 20224x4 failoff road rolloveroff roading4x4 recoveryextreme off roadinglite brite nationsolid axleoff road recoveryoff roading fail4x4 trailslite briteoff road faillite brite broncooff road race
Description: LITE BRITE NATION ↠ E3OffRoad - ↠ Merch - ↠ Facebook - ↠ Instagram - Have you ever wondered what it's like to conquer the hardest single day off road race in the world? Grueling high speed desert and some of the most brutal and difficult rock trails...We show you Lite Brite's first person view of competing in the King of the Hammers - Race of Kings! Hope you all enjoy the video!