Channel: Heath Dragon
Category: Entertainment
Tags: water proofairtightblow upunzipinflationinflatablesupersealshamuwhalewhitetizippool toyintexwaterprooftoyzipballoonpool floatwater tightride onduffel bagsealedwetdeflationblackquick deflateblowupwatertightwaterfloodpooltoydeflateinflateorcaair tightzipperride-onasmrduffelsplash#shorts
Description: Here I have filled an Intex whale ride-on pool toy with water and then rapidly drain it using the zipper I have installed on its back. The zipper used is a 24-inch-long Tizip SuperSeal airtight and watertight zipper. The zipper allows the inflatable to be used as a storage bag as well as allowing for extremely rapid deflation, or in this case draining. The zipper is plenty strong enough and holds air letting the Intex whale still be used as a regular ride-on pool toy. Check out how the zipper was installed in this toy in the video here: Checkout my first video with this whale here: Consider supporting my channel by buying a T-shirt: Visit my Twitter account at: While I love to describe the many projects I have done, if they inspire you to do something, you do so at your own risk. The glues and solvents I use can be toxic and vinyl is not breathable and can cause suffocation.