Channel: Taos Winds Spirit Music
Category: Music
Tags: visualizationmetaphysicalenlightenmentgodsyogagoddessessnew age musicdivinevibrationmeditation musicaurachakra colorsmysticalhealingbalancebuddhahindu deitiespsychicrelieve stressuniversalsacredwell beinghamonyconsciousnesschikundalinigoddessrelaxationblisssound wavesspiritchakraopen third eyetrancespiritualitymeditatebuddhismdeitiesascensionmeditationindian godsspiritualthird eyeactivationfrequencies
Description: You will feel this very strongly first in the Root (Third Eye) Chakra. It starts penetrating there first for me personally. Then the energy frequencies, the vibrations, begin filling my Crown Chakra next as it starts its flow downward, spreading through the Nadi streams, illuminating each Chakra on its journey towards the Root, where it begins stimulating and awakening the Kundalini energy. It spreads throughout the region, arousing the serpent, Shakti, the divine feminine Goddess energy, and begins the ascent, transporting her energy, Shakti, to the Crown to merge with the supreme being, Shiva. From the first sound, this fills your entire head; Brow/Third Eye, Crown and Throat Chakras with deep penetrating frequencies. Water Chakra uses many aspects of the water elemental; the deep frequencies/sounds of the world beneath the surface. Grounding and healing your entire being via rich and deeply saturated color frequencies and sound frequencies. The music’s title is “Water Spirit.” Remember my friend; It is the cracks that let the light in… ॐ--- “Sound invokes the spirit to play it.” Taos Winds Spirit Music… Music from the Spirit, Music for the Spirit. …Taos Winds Spirit Music’s purpose has always been to create music that puts you in a perfect mental, physical and spiritual place for your meditation, pondering, Yoga, Reiki, relaxing, and whatever else you partake in spiritually. It heals and balance your being while calming your mind, body and soul. TAOS WINDS’ TIP JAR (consider leaving a tip if you enjoy my music/videos) Enjoy… Relax, let your body heal... Find your Zen again… I hope you are all doing well out there my friends. Always remember, the truth is right there in front of us all, at all times, on all matters. But, the truth whispers quietly in our minds, our hearts, it is subtle, it is simple, so simple in fact that it is more often overlooked by most. The truth must be sought. Namaste! Peace to you all! ☥☬☮☯☸ ॐ TAOS WINDS’ TIP JAR (consider leaving a tip if you enjoy my music/videos) Taos Winds - Music Downloads: This music is “Fresh from the Spirit” and “In Tune with Nature!” (432 Hz tuning) #AllChakraTuning #ChakraActivation #BalanceChakras #KundaliniActivation #ChakraHealing #HealingMeditation #ConsciousnessMeditation #AwakeningMeditation