Channel: Brian Hull
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: anime reaction channelshayao miyazaki moviesspirited awayhayao miyazakimovie reaction first time watchingmovie reactionslivestreamanime reactionbrian hullbrian hull impressionsspirited away reactionsspirited away reactionhayao miyazaki animationsidestreammovie reactionstudio ghiblifirst time reactionstudio ghibli reactionfirst time watchingmovie reaction videos
Description: People have been telling me to watch Studio Ghilbli films forever! Now I am finally checking it out and y'all get my full reactions. This is a SIDESTREAM or a SIDECAST, I will NOT be showing the film, if you want to watch along, you either need a copy of the film, or you can go onto HBO Max, they have it on streaming.