Channel: Michael Chriswell
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: russia ukraineworld newsrussia newsrussia ukraine newsukraine newsbible prophecyvladimir putinrussia ukraine conflict
Description: #russiaprophecy, #endtimes, #timerunningout "If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear." - Mark 4:23 The Prophetic warning and connection to Russian Ukraine War can be seen at 1:15:21 if you wish to jump ahead, BUT be sure to go back and watch the whole video. Videos mentioned: The Heavenly Scandal - I Never Wanted to Say This - It has been very sobering and humbling to realize that three times now, when the Lord has moved on my heart to make a tear felt warning about dreadful times ahead, each time after a very precise period of time has gone by, many people have died in some of the world's most recent significant events, following that warning! The 2017, Las Vegas Mass Shooting The 2017 Record Breaking US Hurricane Season The February 6, 2020 First US Death from COVID-19 This time the prophetic warning seems to point directly to the Russian war in Ukraine, which no doubt is the most significant event on our planet right now. Russia is also thought by many to play a big role in the End Times. Apparently, David Wilkerson even prophesied in 1985 that Russia would invade America after a financial collapse. Now this is a very significant world-wide impacting event happening right now, so perhaps some people may be skeptical, thinking perhaps I'm grabbing for straws here, and trying to make connections that aren't really there, etc. I understand, I too, in all humility before God when He does something like this through me, sometimes need extra confirmation that this truly was His prophetic words spoken through me. Notice, we see even Jesus having to ask His disciples in Mark 8, "Do you still Not understand?" So, let me share a few more astonishing details with you. 1. This video was rendered and finished five days before I posted it, which was 12 days before the war, but as my wife Lisa can testify along with my own journal recordings, I delayed in posting the video and never even wanted to post it because God was moving me to say I was indeed a "Prophet" and I have not taken that title on my lips, nor wanted to, for 10 years of public ministry and tens of thousands can testify to this. Then when I was finally ready, the Lord told me to wait a little longer. The day it was posted, was the day the Lord finally confirmed for me to post it, which was February 17, 2022. 2. The video posted just previous to that one was the documentary called "The Heavenly Scandal", which showed the detailed account of God connecting my previous spouses' apostasy and the resulting divorce, to every single timed event of Noah's Ark and the Flood in Genesis 7 & 8, proving His hand was behind all of it. 3. There is a verse in the book of Revelation that speaks of this type of precise timing of God's judgment, just as we see in the flood account and my personal story. And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year. - Revelation 9:15 4. We have just seen that the Las Vegas Mass shooting was exactly 12 months to the day, and the first US COVID-19 Death was 9 months to the day, of my warnings! 5. This video and warning was finally posted on February 17th, at 8:20 AM. Russia successfully captured its first target, the Chernobyl Nuclear Facility on February 24th, at 17:00 UTC (9:00 AM CST), according to the President of Ukraine's twitter post, and Wikipedia's timeline of the War. This is exactly 7 days, 0 hours, and 40 minutes (Another precise time period matching the precise time periods God chose in the Genesis flood account with Noah, and in my marriage/divorce story. 6. This SEVEN day to the hour warning, also matches the exact amount of time God gave to Noah as a warning before the flood came. 7. Now, perhaps the most remarkable sign of all is the connection to God's dealings with Jesus in Mark 8. The time periods of God's prophecies through me were precise periods of 12 months, 9 months, & 7 days, in that order. If we go back to Mark 8, we can see that the first sign God chose to leave of His hand on this was 12 basketfuls, matching the first prophecy and warning He spoke through me in India. The second sign God gave at another event was the SEVEN basketfuls, which matches the 3rd prophecy of SEVEN days between the warning and the War. That leaves one NINE month prophecy in the middle. And in between the stories of the 12 basketfuls, and the 7 basketfuls that God did through Jesus, there is exactly NINE thousand people, making another perfect match to the 9 month prophecy in the middle! Here we have another perfect Match to God's dealings in His word, first to Genesis 7 & 8 and now through Jesus Christ in Mark 8. Russia Ukraine War Prophecy, Time is running out, Get right with God now before it is too late.