Channel: Waka Flocka
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: flockahidden cameraringwaka flocka flockaveliwaka & tammyrapperwaka flock wifeno handswakatammy rivera charliering doorbelltammy riverawhat the flockawaka flocka new musicflockaveli 2wetvflockaveliring camerawe tvwaka flocka dogwaka flocka flametammy rivera songwaka flocka divorcewaka flocka hidden cameraring camera videoflamereality tvsalute me or shoot me 7atlantaring videowaka flocka flame flockaveli
Description: After the finale of WE TV's Waka & Tammy:What the Flocka somebody's dog has been pooping in the basement. Tammy Rivera insisted that Angel, her sweet Frenchie couldn't possible be the cause. Instead of losing that argument (as Waka often does when disagreeing with his wife), he bought a Ring camera & hid it in the basement to prove his dog Taco's innocence. Well, tonight the motion activated camera best known for its use as a doorbell & front door monitor caught the filthy little culprit in the act. Watch as Waka Flocka reacts to catching a household pet pooping in his mancave. "Flockaveli 2" By Waka Flocka Flame - On The Way!!! Website Twitter Facebook Instagram