Channel: boy pablo
Category: Music
Tags: 777 musicsick feelingleave me aloneboi pablonowadaysnicolas munozur phonerest upfeeling lonelydance babyboy pablo wachitohoney777boy pablodream popindie musichey girlboy pablo honeywachito rico boy pablote vaseverytimeroy pablowachito ricothe mariassoy pablo50 soulsindie alternative777tvbeach houseready problemspablo livenever caredlosing you
Description: I hope you enjoy this lil mini documentary about the process of making my first studio album! This is the biggest production I have ever been a part of both when it came to the time we put in in the studio, on music videos, merch, and everything else that goes into releasing an album! Thank you so much for experiencing this album with me :) Thanks to everyone involved in the process of the album, music videos, and everything around the album! special thanks to Jens Rød for hanging out in the studio to shoot and to @midjefigur777 for editing!