Channel: Fermilab
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: w bosonfermi national accelerator laboratoryscientistexperimentscmswhycompact muon solenoidexplainedlabmatterspaceatomshowparticle acceleratorshighphysicsluminosityparticlehl-lhcwowcdfcollisionsquestionparticle detectorslearnlhcdon lincolncosmoscernstandard modelhigh technologyprofessoranswerian krasslaboratorylarge hadron collidersciencefermilabparticle physicsw masselectroweaktheory
Description: Fermilab’s CDF experiment has recently announced a measurement of the mass of the W boson with unprecedented precision. Even more interesting, the measurement disagrees with theoretical predictions. If confirmed, this could be a very big deal. In this video, Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln gives a far ranging explanation of the measurement and its significance. CDF collaboration at Fermilab announces most precise ever measurement of W boson mass to be in tension with the Standard Model: High-precision measurement of the W boson mass with the CDF II detector: Fermilab physics 101: Fermilab home page: