Channel: Mad4Motors
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how to buildcamperbuildvan conversionvan lifevan camper buildprojectdiy campercamper vanbest camper buildcamper van conversionmini camper van buildsalvagemad4motors
Description: Camper Conversion and Full Build I've just completed on a volkswagen van.I tried to video the entire work hope you guys enjoy. I built this camper over a 6 month period hope you guys enjoyed watching the conversion. Let me help you save Money and give you my top tips Here:➡ My previous camper build Instagram @mad4motors Disclaimer: Due to factors beyond the control of Mad4Motors, it cannot guarantee against unauthorized modifications of this information, or improper use of this information. Mad4Motors assumes no liability for any property or personal damage that may arise from doing a repair on your vehicle after watching any of my repair video's. Due to factors beyond the control of Mad4Motors, no information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Again Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Mad4Motors. Song: Ikson - Crash Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: