Channel: Kaskobi
Category: Music
Tags: save yourselflaunchpadself checkoutsessiondjpluginsinstrumentdubstephousecolorsmackaskobimidipianomusicwallmongermk2recalliterationtutoriallivelightsinsidesabletonartsetmaxsave yourself epblackgoatprohysteriadiscipleperformancefuturesynthesiagriddeviceremixcolours
Description: Download this project: Customize your Launchpad: Join our Discord Server: Tutorial: Difficulty: 7.5/10 Original Track: Get access to my exclusive production Livestreams and Discord Channel! --------------------------------------------- Prepare your WINDOWS PC for Launchpad Projects: Prepare your MAC for Launchpad Projects: Install your Project File: --------------------------------------------- -- Important note regarding the legitimacy of this performance video -- All drum samples and any other separated audio from the original track are real samples, they are not "faked" buttons to add to the performance aesthetic. The performance was recorded live during the video and audio was taken from the recorded MIDI clip in Ableton Live 10. The MIDI clip was not Quantized to keep the legitimacy of the original recording. This video was not sponsored. All credits and rights go to the artists and creators shown in the title, description, and video. The music displayed in this video does not belong to me. --------------------------------------------- Gear Used: Novation Launchpad X BlackMagic Pocket Studio Camera 4K Toshiba 128GB Exceria Pro 260MB/s SD XC UHSII Card Samsung 500GB T5 SSD Panasonic H-X025 Lens Rode VideoMic Go Elgato Camlink (For the members only livestream) 2X Neewer JYLED-500S Computer Used: 2017 27" 5K Retina iMac 4.2 GHz Intel i7 7700 32GB 2400MHz DDR4 RAM Radeon Pro 580 8GB 512GB SSD Drive macOS Mojave 10.14.3 Software Used: Ableton Live Suite 10.1.3 Final Cut Pro 10.4.7 DaVinci Resolve 16 Studio Apple Compressor 4.3.2 Photoshop CC 2019 Max 8 Sublime Text 3 Terminal Audacity Follow Kaskobi: Skype: Kaskobimusic Snapchat: Kaskobi