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Venetian Mask Tutorial Part 2 of 3 Featuring The Magic of Venezia

Duration: 21:43Views: 18.4KLikes: 377Date Created: Aug, 2017

Channel: Angela Holt Designs

Category: Howto & Style

Tags: crackle affectmask tutorial#angelahdesignsmixed media mask#angelaholtdesignsdiymixed mediaitalyprima marketing paperartprima marletingfirst edition crafts@frabkgarciamask decoratingdesigningcraft tutorialsrose quartzvenetian masks@pirmamarketingincprima marketing rose quartzcraftingcreating@firsteditioncrafts@themagicofveneziavenetian maskfrank garciaprima markeying rose quartz collectionmask paintingaltered mask

Description: SHARING MY CHANNEL HELPS MY CHANNEL GROW AND I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU!!! ALSO, DONT FORGET TO HIT THE REMINDER BUTTON SO YOU DONT MISS A SINGLE CRAFTING MOMENT!! Shop here and use the COUPON CODE ANGEA20 to order your very own Venetian Mask Kit to decorate magicofvenezia.com Products used in this part of the tutorials First Editions Deco Mache Crackle Top Coat: amazon.com/Antique-Crackle-Tissue-First-Trimcraft/dp/B01MTCDP2G First Edition Crackle Base Coat: amazon.com/Trimcraft-Mache-Antique-Crackle-250ml/dp/B00EE2N7IC/ref=sr_1_1?s=arts-crafts&ie=UTF8&qid=1500624459&sr=1-1&keywords=deco+mache+antique+base+coat The Mask can be purchased here: magicofvenezia.com/volto-diy-kit youtube.com/channel/UCDag6i2LK4s7kD3bXhyrngw The Metalic Wax by Prima Marketing can be found here: primamarketinginc.com/shop/art-alchemy-metallique-wax-rose-gold !/4 inch of Cream Gynp trim 4 Crown Dangels designed by Frank Garcia from Prima Marketing franticstamper.com/Prima--Memory-Hardware-by-Frank-Garcia--French-Regalia-Crowns-II_p_144036.html Become a Patron!! Visit my Patreon page and Pledge! : patreon.com/angelaholtdesigns Subscribe to my Vlogging Channel: youtube.com/channel/UClZlmkAolHTWtJobH6pPQbw Ask to be a member of my NEW facebook Group: facebook.com/groups/craftypeeps1 CONNECT WITH ME!!! Angela Holt WEBSITE: angelaholtdesigns.com Youtube: youtube.com/user/angelaholtdesigns My Etsy: etsy.com/shop/AngelaHDesigns?ref=hdr_shop_menu INSTAGRAM: angelahdesigns TWITTER: angelahdesigns SNAPCHAT: angelahdesigns LIKE ME ON FACEBOOK! facebook.com/angelaholtdesigns FanPage Facebook: facebook.com/AHoltDesigns Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/angela-holt-44a30644 PINTEREST: pinterest.com/angelahdesigns Business inquiries only: thealteredpage@yahoo.com

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