Channel: The Vaults of Terra
Category: Gaming
Tags: fateweaverguillimanred corsairswarhammerloreynnariwarhammer 40000ultramarinesmarneus calgarblack legioniron warriorswarhammer 40kroboutecypherprimarchtech-priest belisarius cawlvaultsabbadonnight lordsthe purgewarhammer 40rise of guillimanprimarch roboute guillimanamalrichthe fallenthousand sonsvaults of terrafluff
Description: The Vaults of Terra return to document the miracle of the rebirth for one of the Imperium's greatest leaders in the last 10,000 years, Primarch Roboute Guilliman of the Ultramarines. Livestream: Vaults of Terra Intro: Stealth Shock Intro Music: Daniel Yount - Dark Times The Legal Notice: All works used in this video (Images, audio etc) belong to their respective authors, Vaults of Terra hold No propriety interest, either wholly or in part, in any of the work displayed here (This statement does not include the audio recorded by the Vaults of Terra). Games workshop, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer, 40k, Space Marine Etc are all Trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd. Games Workshop does not endorse or support the Vaults of Terra videos, they are independently made and moderated. All views and opinions expressed in this video belong to the hosts and in no way reflect the views or opinions of Games Workshop Ltd..