Channel: TheCineScaper
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: the cine scapernature aquariumshrimpfreshwater tankthecinescapercrabsthe cinescapervampire crab islandvampire crabfish tankfishtankcrab terrariumaquascapingcrab tankaquascaping inspirationnanotanknano aquariumtanknano tankaquascapecinescapercrab aquariumaquascaperaquascape crabplanted tankfishkeepingterrariumaquariumcanon 1dx mk ii canonplanted aquariumhardscapefishvampire crabscine scapershrimp tankcrab
Description: TheCineScaper liquid fertilizer: I haven’t planned to keep a crab just saw him in a shop and felt bad for him. He was kept in a really bad place so I took him with me. Since he is an escape artist make sure to keep him inside the tank. It’s better to keep him within high “walls” or at least have a lid on it. It looks like I managed to make it work, since he never escaped (yet). But anyway why would he do that when he has a great place to live. He needs water but he spends most of his time on the ground. It important to create places where he can hide what makes him feel safe. To get know his demand check out a specific page where it’s described properly. But here is a tip for you, Mr. Crab likes the dog food. __________ Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for aquascaping inspiration! Follow me on INSTAGRAM @TheCineScaper #aquascape #aquarium #thecinescaper __________ 🎥 Gear I use: Canon 1DX MK II Canon and Sigma lenses DJI Ronin M Edited and graded in Final Cut X